Season III is here!!

Lionel Crowther S2Ep36

Lionel Crowther S2Ep36 Profile Photo

Acting Captain/promoted to Rank of Lieutenant

Program title: Surviving Survival

Lionel has been a firefighter for the last 25 years.

On Feb. 4, 2007, a tragic fire changed the lives of the Crowther Family. Lionel and five other firefighters were caught in a flashover, where he suffered severe burns to 70% of his body. Tragically, Captain Lessard and Captain Nichols did not survive.
Since that incident, Lionel, his wife Joanna & their family have epitomized the meaning of resiliency, hope and survival. Lionel is here to explain the many challenges and triumphs he and his family faced because of this tragic incident as a Fire Fighter, from the very personal view of being a husband, father and survivor!

Lionel is promoted to Lieutenant & Acting Captain with the WFD, a Lead Master Instructor for the IAFF Fire Ground Survival Program, IAFF Burn Foundation Coordinator, Master Instructor for the Petzl EXO Escape System, IAFF Trainer & Peer Supporter for Burn Survivor Fire Fighters & families, provincial coordinator for the FF Resilient Minds program, a Sleep Specialist for the Fire Service with 62 Roméo, UL FSRI Training Advisory Board member, Founder of the Foundations of Leadership training, graduate of the Fire Fighter Resiliency program through the BCPFFA & a graduate of the West Point Sciences of Behavior Program through the LAFD Leadership Academy.

Jan. 17, 2024

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Episode Number: 036 - Season II Publish Date: Jan 16, 2023 Host: Arjuna George Guest: Lionel Crowther Brief Description: 📚 Chronicling the intense ordeal and exceptional resilience of esteemed firefighter Lionel Crowther, 'Be...

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